Wednesday, January 1, 2020

West Africa moves towards pulling CFA reserves from French Treasury

Central and West African states are looking at moving their reserves out of France and unifying their currencies as one called the "Eco".  The CFA Franc is a multi-nation currency created in 1945 by order of Charles de Gaulle, when most of West Africa was still under direct French colonial rule.  The currency union deposits 50% of their reserves with the French Treasury, and in return have a guarantee of convertibility of CFA Francs into Euros.  Due to the strong ratio of foreign currency reserves to issued currency, this third party guarantee - African leaders feel - is no longer necessary.

While they will distribute the reserves to multiple banks outside the French Treasury, including the United States, one of the possible destinations is China.  France has a long and complicated history with former colonies.  As a numismatist I can tell you the Paris Mint produces coins for a wide array of countries to this day.